Fertilizer and Lime Spreaders

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ALPLER spreaders difference in below

The Material while paint and coating are great, nothing has the durability of stainkess steel for the bin and parts contacting the fertileser. ALPLER spreaders are built to last from the highest quality structural stainless steel. We recommend you do not leave Urea in your spreader.

Build Quality ALPLER spreader have been four years in the making. We've sourced the best design. And most robust proven technology to ensure you get the best quality spreader available. We've spent 2 years testing the machine to ensure it's right. The people behind ALPLER are expreinced agricultural manufacturers and suppliers. We know what works. What's going to last and what it takes to design. Engineer and manufacture a spreader that's going to last.

It's the latest generation of the TRANSPREAD design used by major spreader manufacturers. Originally designed by NZ spreading contractor and later designer and manufacturer DAVID HOYLE. You're looking at is the result of 60 years of spreader designs.

Looking for the moving parts? We took them all away and only kept what was absulatly necessary. And the parts we do have are all proprietary. The bearing, hydraulic loom and motors are more than likely on the shelf at any supplier near you. ALPLER keep a full range of parts in stock, but you'll know you can get our parts anywhere.

Two year front to back warranty against manufacturing fault. Ask other spreader manufacturers if their warranty compares.

How does the chain compare to a belt?

ALPLER warrant the chain on our spreaders for five years. They're tough and durable and were originally designed for the salt spreaders in North America and Canada, and that is one tough environment. Plus they're a positive system, so gravity or slope doesn't affect the flow of fertileser.  Knowing that your spinners are getting active fertileser flow in all conditions is the first step in ultimate fertileser accuracy.

Fertilizer and Lime Spreaders

GSR 3 Single SpreaderGSR 3GSR 4 HorticultureGSR 4GSR 5 HorticultureGSR 5GSR 5 PCGSR 8GSR 8 PC
CU. Capacity2,52,53,53,54,64,64,666
Tonage Fertiliser334,54,55,55,55,57,257,25
Tonage Lime3,53,5556,46,46,48,48,4
Bin Length (mm)200020002400240030003000300030003000
Bin Width (mm)180018001800200018002000200022502250
Bin Height (mm)1068106896010559601055105513251325
Conveyor DriveGround Wh.Ground Wh.Ground Wh.Ground Wh.Ground Wh.Ground Wh.ComputerGround Wh.Computer
Single or TandamSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingle
Removable DrawbarNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
Sprung DrawbarNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoOpsiyon
Adjustable DB heightNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Ground Drive 3 SpeedYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Floor Feed Width (mm)730730730730730730730730730
Axle Track1600 x 18001600 x 18001600 x 18001600 x 18001600 x 18001600 x 18001600 x 18001800 x 22001800 x 2200
Square (mm)707070707070709090
Chassis TypeBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox Section
Chassis Connection TypeWeldedWeldedWeldedWeldedWeldedWeldedWeldedWeldedWelded
Production MaterialMild SteelMild SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless Steel
GSR 10 GSR 10 PCGSR 13 PC SingleGSR 13 PC TwinGSR 16 PC SingleGSR 16 PC TwinGSR 20 PC Single GSR 20 T GSR 22 T
CU. Capacity7,97,910,810,812,712,716 16 16
Tonage Fertiliser9,59,512,512,5151520 20 20
Tonage Lime11111515181822,522,5 22,5
Bin Length (mm)300030004000400050005000600060006000
Bin Width (mm)2250225022502250225022502250 22502250
Bin Height (mm)171017101710171017101710171017101710
Conveyor DriveGround Wh.ComputerComputerSection ConComputerSection ConComputerSection ConSection Con
Tyres23.1 x 2623.1 x 26650 / 75R x 32650 / 75R x 32600 / 55R x 26,5600 / 55R x 26,5600 / 55R x 26,5600 / 55R x 26,5600 / 55R x 26,5
Single or TandamSingleSingleVariableVariableTandemTandemTandem Tandem Tandem
Removable DrawbarYesYesYesYesYesYesYes YesYes
Sprung DrawbarNoOpsiyonYesYesYesYesYes YesYes
Adjustable DB heightSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingleSingle
Ground Drive 3 SpeedYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Floor Feed Width (mm)730730730730730730730730730
Axle Track22002250 x 29502250 x 29502250 x 29502250 x 29502250 x 29502250 x 29502250 x 29502250 x 2950
Square (mm) 90140 x 14150 x 14150 x 14140 x 14140 x 14140 x 14140 x 14150 x 14
Stubs 101010101010101010
Chassis TypeBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox SectionBox Section
Chassis Connection TypeBoltBoltBoltBoltBoltBoltBoltBoltBolt
Production MaterialMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless SteelMild or Stainless Steel

Fertilizer and Lime Spreaders

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